"Testing a big new deployment like this is essential to success, but development and testing can take up a lot of time and it normally requires that we buy many extra servers that, once testing is concluded, we don’t really need anymore. And that costs us considerable money and other resources. That’s why Microsoft Azure was such a good solution for us."
Telenor 的主管 Andreas H?gberg
快速部署 SharePoint 并且按需進行縮放
在幾分鐘內為你的 SharePoint 服務器啟動基礎結構。設置部署或測試場,或通過即時添加更多的資源以擴大你的生產 SharePoint 部署。使用基于經過試驗和測試的配置的可立即部署映像和模板,簡化部署和配置,并將部署復雜 SharePoint 場的時間從幾天縮短至幾分鐘。
"By using Azure, we were able to launch our new extranet in six weeks versus waiting up to eight months for new servers to arrive. This helped us better deliver information to our gas stations and investors."
基礎結構支持經理 Mariela Manzanares -
經濟高效地托管 SharePoint 站點
Azure 即用即付定價和按分鐘的計費幫助你節省資金。對于部署和測試,可利用適用于 Visual Studio 訂閱者的 Azure 權益減少軟件授權成本。在測試時,按縮放需求啟動其他服務器,并在短時期內加載測試,完成后將其刪除。僅使用你所需的資源,這樣更具有成本效益。
"The cheapest traditional hosting service we saw still would have required us to invest three times more than Azure in terms of servers, just for the initial setup, Azure gives us the most functionality at the lowest cost."
IT 經理 Nawaf Abdulrahman -
Azure 中運行 Windows 或 SQL Server 的虛擬機與本地運行的服務器并沒有什么不同。在本地物理服務器、托管提供商處的服務器和 Azure 之間輕松移動虛擬機。憑借此可移植性,快速、輕松地在 Azure 中復制你的 SharePoint 開發測試環境或輔助生產站點。當然,在需要時可以將其移回本地。
"With its hybrid-cloud software, Microsoft has made it very easy for our customers to stop thinking in terms of on-premises or off-premises and to just think in terms of the solution they need."
首席執行官和首席技術官 Philip Moss -
在可最佳運行的位置運行 Microsoft 應用程序
放心使用構建 SharePoint 和 SQL Server 的同一公司構建的云。這些應用程序已經實踐檢驗可在 Azure 上展現出良好的性能。利用許可移動性和 Azure 混合權益使用現有許可證,并跨 Azure、SharePoint 和 SQL Server 獲取一流的、第一方支持。在 Azure 上運行 SharePoint 能確保你的解決方案位于運行 Office 365 和 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 的相同云上,從而幫助你輕松地跨這些產品/服務進行集成。
"By running K2 in Microsoft Azure, we can be very close to the datacenters running these other Microsoft cloud products so that we can deliver the best possible network performance and the lowest possible latency between application components."
Partners and Alliances 高級副總裁 Dave Marcus